“Languages” Explained

While we plan to offer Safer Sex information in English, Welsh and British Sign Language, there are times when there is regional information, so we have added a flag for Scottish and Irish.

While we probably won’t translate the site to Scottish or Irish, at the moment, but the plan is to avoid situations where you have to scroll around for information for your region of the United Kingdom.

Please choose the relevant area/flag and for example, you’ll see the information for your area that covers your region.

DescriptionLanguage UsedRegional Information DisplayedFlag Shown
British Sign LanguageBritish Sign LanguageProbably all regionsUnited Kingdom
Northern IrelandEnglishNorthern IrelandNorthern Irish

For example, Wales is in English, but will show relevant information for Wales, similarly, Northern Ireland will show information relevant to Northern Ireland, Scotland will show information relevant to Scotland.

However, Cymraeg will be in Welsh and British Sign Language will be in British Sign Language.

Therefore a location will show information relevant to that part of the UK, but the name of an actual language will be in that language.

Other sites planned include sex-education.net and another useful web-site with information for people who are HIV positive

“Languages” Explained

While we plan to offer Safer Sex information in English, Welsh and British Sign Language, there are times when there is regional information, so we have added a flag for Scottish and Irish.

While we probably won’t translate the site to Scottish or Irish, at the moment, but the plan is to avoid situations where you have to scroll around for information for your region of the United Kingdom.

Please choose the relevant area/flag and for example, you’ll see the information for your area that covers your region.

DescriptionLanguage UsedRegional Information DisplayedFlag Shown
British Sign LanguageBritish Sign LanguageProbably all regionsUnited Kingdom
Northern IrelandEnglishNorthern IrelandNorthern Irish

For example, Wales is in English, but will show relevant information for Wales, similarly, Northern Ireland will show information relevant to Northern Ireland, Scotland will show information relevant to Scotland.

However, Cymraeg will be in Welsh and British Sign Language will be in British Sign Language.

Therefore a location will show information relevant to that part of the UK, but the name of an actual language will be in that language.

Other sites planned include sex-education.net and another useful web-site with information for people who are HIV positive

“Languages” Explained

While we plan to offer Safer Sex information in English, Welsh and British Sign Language, there are times when there is regional information, so we have added a flag for Scottish and Irish.

While we probably won’t translate the site to Scottish or Irish, at the moment, but the plan is to avoid situations where you have to scroll around for information for your region of the United Kingdom.

Please choose the relevant area/flag and for example, you’ll see the information for your area that covers your region.

DescriptionLanguage UsedRegional Information DisplayedFlag Shown
British Sign LanguageBritish Sign LanguageProbably all regionsUnited Kingdom
Northern IrelandEnglishNorthern IrelandNorthern Irish

For example, Wales is in English, but will show relevant information for Wales, similarly, Northern Ireland will show information relevant to Northern Ireland, Scotland will show information relevant to Scotland.

However, Cymraeg will be in Welsh and British Sign Language will be in British Sign Language.

Therefore a location will show information relevant to that part of the UK, but the name of an actual language will be in that language.

Other sites planned include sex-education.net and another useful web-site with information for people who are HIV positive

“Languages” Explained

While we plan to offer Safer Sex information in English, Welsh and British Sign Language, there are times when there is regional information, so we have added a flag for Scottish and Irish.

While we probably won’t translate the site to Scottish or Irish, at the moment, but the plan is to avoid situations where you have to scroll around for information for your region of the United Kingdom.

Please choose the relevant area/flag and for example, you’ll see the information for your area that covers your region.

For example, Wales is in English, but will show relevant information for Wales, similarly, Northern Ireland will show information relevant to Northern Ireland, Scotland will show information relevant to Scotland.

However, Cymraeg will be in Welsh and British Sign Language will be in British Sign Language.

Therefore a location will show information relevant to that part of the UK, but the name of an actual language will be in that language.

“Languages” Explained

While we plan to offer Safer Sex information in English, Welsh and British Sign Language, there are times when there is regional information, so we have added a flag for Scottish and Irish.

While we probably won’t translate the site to Scottish or Irish, at the moment, but the plan is to avoid situations where you have to scroll around for information for your region of the United Kingdom.

Please choose the relevant area/flag and for example, you’ll see the information for your area that covers your region.

DescriptionLanguage UsedRegional Information DisplayedFlag Shown
British Sign LanguageBritish Sign LanguageProbably all regionsUnited Kingdom
Northern IrelandEnglishNorthern IrelandNorthern Irish

For example, Wales is in English, but will show relevant information for Wales, similarly, Northern Ireland will show information relevant to Northern Ireland, Scotland will show information relevant to Scotland.

However, Cymraeg will be in Welsh and British Sign Language will be in British Sign Language.

Therefore a location will show information relevant to that part of the UK, but the name of an actual language will be in that language.

Other sites planned include sex-education.net and another useful web-site with information for people who are HIV positive

“Languages” Explained

While we plan to offer Safer Sex information in English, Welsh and British Sign Language, there are times when there is regional information, so we have added a flag for Scottish and Irish.

While we probably won’t translate the site to Scottish or Irish, at the moment, but the plan is to avoid situations where you have to scroll around for information for your region of the United Kingdom.

Please choose the relevant area/flag and for example, you’ll see the information for your area that covers your region.

DescriptionLanguage UsedRegional Information DisplayedFlag Shown
British Sign LanguageBritish Sign LanguageProbably all regionsUnited Kingdom
Northern IrelandEnglishNorthern IrelandNorthern Irish

For example, Wales might be is in English, but will show relevant information for Wales and might language-wise be in Welsh, similarly, Northern Ireland will show information relevant to Northern Ireland, Scottish will show information relevant to Scotland.

Both Northern Ireland or Scottish, might be in English unless we’ve made hidddiously embarrassing mistake and information for those both regions aren’t usually in English.

However, Cymraeg will be in Welsh and British Sign Language will be in British Sign Language (videos).

And if like me, your red/green colour blind, anything that doesn’t look like it’s in black font but is in a bold, is really in red font.

OMG! Why can’t everything just be UK format!

Therefore a location will show information relevant to that part of the UK, but the name of an actual language will be in that language.

Other sites planned include sex-education.net and another useful web-site with information for people who are HIV positive

“Languages” Explained

While we plan to offer Safer Sex information in English, Welsh and British Sign Language, there are times when there is regional information, so we have added a flag for Scottish and Irish.

While we probably won’t translate the site to Scottish or Irish, at the moment, but the plan is to avoid situations where you have to scroll around for information for your region of the United Kingdom.

Please choose the relevant area/flag and for example, you’ll see the information for your area that covers your region.

DescriptionLanguage UsedRegional Information DisplayedFlag Shown
British Sign LanguageBritish Sign LanguageProbably all regionsUnited Kingdom
Northern IrelandEnglishNorthern IrelandNorthern Irish

For example, Wales might be is in English, but will show relevant information for Wales and might language-wise be in Welsh, similarly, Northern Ireland will show information relevant to Northern Ireland, Scottish will show information relevant to Scotland.

Both Northern Ireland or Scottish, might be in English unless we’ve made hidddiously embarrassing mistake and information for those both regions aren’t usually in English.

However, Cymraeg will be in Welsh and British Sign Language will be in British Sign Language (videos).

And if like me, your red/green colour blind, anything that doesn’t look like it’s in black font but is in a bold, is really in red font.

OMG! Why can’t everything just be UK format!

Therefore a location will show information relevant to that part of the UK, but the name of an actual language will be in that language.

Other sites planned include sex-education.net and another useful web-site with information for people who are HIV positive